We've heard through the grapevine that a consortium of Service Disabled Veteran Business Owners from Long Island, New York have stood up against the legislation coming from New York State. For those of you that don't know, NYS passed a bill for the recreational usage of marijuana. With that, there had to be some sort of legislative body to issue licenses, much like the Liquor Authority. Throughout this legislation, 50% of the licenses were to be issued with underserved and unequitable communities, Women Business Enterprises (WBEs), Minority Owned Businesses, and Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOBs). The other 50% were to be issued to general population and farmers. You can learn more about the exact details of the law by going to: https://cannabis.ny.gov/marihuana-regulation-and-taxation-act-mrta
The Act is 128 pages long, have fun dissecting it. However, we at NYVOBA want to make our stance known. We stand with the Service Disabled Veterans. We're proud of you for leading the charge for the others who should be fairly represented.
-- From the office of the President,
Robert J Novotny